Sep 29 Economy Deals: Asia Edition


Note: We only list one sample date, flights for this fare usually will be available on more dates. Use the booking link to find more dates. While we check all fares for availability – it can be changed very quickly. All fares is All-in, Roundtrip unless otherwise specify and in United States Dollars.

FromToPriceOutReturnAirlineBooking SitesBooking Sites
DenpasarBangkok$124.00Nov 30 2017Dec 4 2017AirAsiaGoogleFlightGoogleHotel
Ho Chi Minh CityKuala Lumpur$54.00Nov 9 2017Nov 13 2017AirAsiaGoogleFlightGoogleHotel
Ho Chi Minh CityPenang$64.00Oct 13 2017Oct 24 2017AirAsiaGoogleFlightGoogleHotel
Kuala LumpurTokyo$235.00Nov 2 2017Nov 6 2017AirAsiaGoogleFlightGoogleHotel
SingaporeHong Kong$101.00Jan 8 2018Jan 15 2018JetstarGoogleFlightGoogleHotel
SingaporeKuching$52.00Oct 24 2017Oct 29 2017Multiple AirlinesGoogleFlightGoogleHotel
SurabayaKuala Lumpur$57.00Nov 4 2017Nov 9 2017AirAsiaGoogleFlightGoogleHotel

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